Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lean On Me - A Reflection On #ECET2

Music was a theme this weekend at the national Elevating & Celebrating Effective Teaching and Teachers convening in San Diego, CA. From Shawn Sheehan’s opening keynote to Dr. Irvin Scott’s closing remarks, music provided a soundtrack to the passion, inspiration, and camaraderie that is #ECET2. As I sit here reflecting on the message and meaning of the past 2.5 days from 35,000 ft. in the air, I can’t help but come back to the melody.


To me, the song that truly captures the emotion and heart of ECET2 is Bill Withers’ classic, “Lean On Me.”  Truth is, no matter how strong we seem externally or how prideful we feel internally, we all need somebody to lean on. And, to me, that’s the true power of ECET2. I now have the ability to lean on like-minded educators from across the country who unequivocally put kids first and are cultivating their calling to positively impact our future. I have a global network to celebrate my successes and elevate me when faced with challenges. I’m not sure I’ve felt as supported as I do right now in my entire career. 

I can lean on the NJ/PA ECET2 Steering Committee (Barry Saide, Josh Zagorski, Natalie Franzi, Lisa Hollenbach, Scott Totten, Kate Baker, Liz Calderwood, Kathy Suk, and Glenn Robbins). 

I can lean on Table 25: (Becky McBride (TN), Ryan,Eisele (MI), Alli Hancock (WA), Samantha Hull (PA), Kati Pearson (FL), and Brenda Meyer)

I can lean on Julia King from DC.

I can lean on Leigh Cooksey from TN.

I can lean on Starr Sackstein from NY.

I can lean on Pernille Ripp from WI. 

And, even more importantly, I hope they know they can lean on me too. 

Thanks Bill & Melinda Gates and #ecet2 for surrounding me with positivity, energy, a rejuvenated spirit, and a support system of amazing educators I can lean on.


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